Thursday, March 4, 2010

It's a Start

I've decided to start a blog - not a "here's what I did today" blog, but more of a "here's what I've learned today" blog in regards to healthful eating and living. It will be a place to put all the great info I learn about regarding health for body, mind and soul. It seems like I've been on a quest to gather this kind of information - and I've been so excited about it, I really do want to share it too! I hope to include things that will have positive influences on my life, and maybe anyone who reads this. I hope to focus on healthful eating, and living. And to show how doing something little, can have a big impact on our lives and planet! I've shared some of the information I've learned ( like what you should always buy organic, and what chemicals to avoid in cosmetics. etc) with friends and family and they've asked that I continue to send them more. I thought a blog would be the best way to share. So here goes, my blog to discuss the things I've learned on this new healthy mission I am on.


  1. Love your new blog! Lot's of great info. I'm going to be excited to be a part of this Nancy!

  2. Ooh, I am excited about this! Post some of your juice recipes!
