Tuesday, March 30, 2010

...and NOW for something completely FUN!

Ok, as promised, here is a really fun idea... they are called Bento Boxes. My good, good friend in NY, who is always so hip and trendy, turned me on to these. What a great way to get your child to eat healthy.. and it's fun, with NO HUGE serving sizes. I wish someone would make these for me! Anyway, here is a blog my friend sent me.. this woman really has some super CUTE BENTO BOX ideas for kids!

The picture posted at the beginning of this post is a picture of Camryn's first Bento Box that I made her for School this week. Of course this all takes time, but it was fun.. I can see making these a couple of times a week, PB&J for the rest! Ha!

She had a Spinach quinoa salad ( that was a heart mold for the quinoa). She had carrots, snap peas, "sushi rolls" of turkey and string cheese, strawberry flowers with Kiwi and strawberry Japanese dessert we found at the Japanese market near us. And for good measure, a teeny, tiny box of chocolate! She loved eating it, I loved making it with her!

These aren't just for kids! Search the web and get plenty of Bento Box ideas! Savor the good things - it really does matter!

Timing is Everything

There is a lot of talk lately about Sugar, and High Fructose Corn Syrup... - read "The Omnivores Dilemna" to learn more about how we are killing ourselves with corn/sugar!

This article came through my email today. Timely to say the least! I thought I was doing myself some good using Agave.... can you say, "Sucka!" Take a look at the article I've attached!

Mercola.com article on the dangers of Agave.

Monday, March 29, 2010

What on Earth is a CSA?

What is a CSA?
I realized I just mentioned 'CSA' in my last post, and didn't explain it. CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. It is really a Farmer - Consumer Direct Relationship.

A couple of years ago, I went to a free lecture at the library to learn more about Organic Farming in Michigan. That is where I met Michelle, a wonderful woman and owner of Maple Creek Farm. I took a ton of notes while Michelle talked. She was talking about things I hadn't heard of until then, "genetically modified corn"( Bad stuff) and the benefits of organic produce (Good stuff). She introduce the idea of buying locally, which sounded great, and explained what a CSA is and does. Shortly after that, I became a member of a CSA. I did some research and liked what I learned about Maple Creek Farm. So I joined, and they are awesome! They are a family owned farm who grow certified organic produce. By signing up to be a member of a CSA, you will get weeks worth of locally grown produce, delivered near your home! Maple Creek Farm offers 2 different sizes of CSA's, a whole share, or a half share - it all depends on how much produce you want! They deliver 20 weeks of produce! And they deliver all over! Personally, until I joined, I had never purchased Chard, Dinosaur Kale, Patty pan squash, and more! I have always loved vegetables, but just kept sticking with my same old favorites! This CSA was not only fun, but I discovered a ton more delicious veggies and the flavors of truly fresh produce blew my socks off!

Visit their blog and learn more about Maple Creek Farm. They also participate in many local farmers markets. The one I visit is the Royal Oak Farm Market.

Clean 15, Dirty Dozen

Here's some information that I carry around with me in my wallet- so it's handy when I shop. There are different lists similar to this on the web, but this is the one I refer to. There isn't much variation between the lists out there, but still it's worth checking on every 6 months or so.

This is a list of the produce that you can buy that should either ALWAYS be organic - "the dirty dozen", or doesn't ever have to be organic - "the clean 15".

The dirty dozen are those items that have the highest amounts of pesticides in them, which means - you will eat those very same pesticides and they will soon be in you - BAD! Toxins collect in our bodies, and I believe - that makes us all sicker!

This means the Clean 15 are those fruits and veggies that have the least amount of residual pesticides..

The following is from the Environmental Working Groups Website:

What’s the Difference? EWG research has found that people who eat the 12 most contaminated fruits and vegetables consume an average of 10 pesticides a day. Those who eat the 15 least contaminated conventionally-grown fruits and vegetables ingest fewer than 2 pesticides daily.

Really, who wants ANY Pesticides? I know I don't... so at the very least, minimize your toxins!

Here's the list . There is a printable version of this, from the EWG. Mine is laminated for long life!

The CLEAN 15:
Sweet Corn
Sweet Peas
Sweet Potato

Bell Pepper
Grapes (Imported)

Not only can you save your health with this list, but you can save $ too! You don't have to guess anymore on whether that item you are putting in your shopping cart needs to be organic or not!

One more thing to note about Organics - Buy local! Support your local farmer. That means if it's not in season, don't buy it! Organic standards are not the same in Mexico, Chile, and anywhere else outside the US. Not only will you be promoting local businesses, but you will also help save the environment...no more shipping fuels! And really, how fresh is it if it traveled around the world to get to you?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

It's a Start

I've decided to start a blog - not a "here's what I did today" blog, but more of a "here's what I've learned today" blog in regards to healthful eating and living. It will be a place to put all the great info I learn about regarding health for body, mind and soul. It seems like I've been on a quest to gather this kind of information - and I've been so excited about it, I really do want to share it too! I hope to include things that will have positive influences on my life, and maybe anyone who reads this. I hope to focus on healthful eating, and living. And to show how doing something little, can have a big impact on our lives and planet! I've shared some of the information I've learned ( like what you should always buy organic, and what chemicals to avoid in cosmetics. etc) with friends and family and they've asked that I continue to send them more. I thought a blog would be the best way to share. So here goes, my blog to discuss the things I've learned on this new healthy mission I am on.